July 29, 2020
Fertilizer with extended phosphate supply
What is P-Extend?
P-Extend is our trademark for a specific molecule, the neutral-ammonium citrate soluble phosphate molecule, which is a fraction of the P contained in YaraMila. P-Extend represents 30% of total P contained in YaraMila products
YaraMila contains the perfect mix of classic ortophosphates, P-Extend, and, in some cases, also Polyphosphates (another interesting molecule) combining immediate availability, with a long-lasting phosphorus supply.
P-Extend stimulates root development and the uptake of nutrients in a very efficient way, is not as prone to fixation and is less likley to be retained by Fe and Al hydroxides.
Unlike classic phosphate, P-Extend becomes available at a constant rate, providing phosphorus to the roots during the whole crop season. Moreover, the availability of P-Extend is triggered by root exudates, increasing the phosphorus supply when the roots reach the fertilizer, stimulating uptake in the peak of demand.
Why is this important for the farmer?
Simple: with the ideal mix of phosphate molecules, the best nitrogen forms, and the highest quality potash and other nutrients, YaraMila optimizes yield potential, nurturing the crop in an environmental-friendly way.
The mix of different P molecules in YaraMila results in an immediate availability, combined with a sustained supply, resulting in a superior availability of P during the crop cycle.
The YaraMila range